Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bacon Salt

Once again, my buddy Gary is the catalyst for one of my posts. Gary knows the guys that started Bacon Salt and has been telling me I had to try this if I ever saw it in the store. Being a lover of bacon, I knew I would like this product if I could only find it. I went on their site and they have a great section with logos for all of the stores that carry their products. However, there is a disclaimer of sorts letting you know that all stores in a particular chain may not carry the product, so you just have to be diligent in your search.

A couple of weeks ago I was looking for some Fat Fred's rub and couldn't find it anywhere. Finally, I checked our local Winn-Dixie store to see if they carried it. While I wasn't able to find the Fat Fred's that I wanted, I did stumble upon the Bacon Salt. This was like going out to a bar hoping to meet some chick and instead meeting Gemma Atkinson (check-out Gemma at Needless to say, I was quite excited. I ended-up buying a bottle for myself and one for Gary.

The true madness begins once you get the Bacon Salt home. All you want to do is cook various things that you think will be enhanced by the Bacon Salt. I was grilling steaks on the night I found it and making baked potatoes. When the potatoes came out of the oven I put on my butter and sprinkled on the Bacon Salt while tending to the steaks that had come off the grill. Suddenly, I was hit with the great smell of bacon wafting through the kitchen. The smell was incredible and more importantly, the taste was out of this world. I have been trying to put this product on just about everything. I have put it on corn on the cob, french fries, popcorn and even created a poor man's BLT. The BSLT is now a reality.

Now I can't speak for the geniuses at Bacon Salt, but I think they would agree that Bacon Salt cannot replace bacon. It is to be used when you want bacon flavor, but are not able to use real bacon. It is a flavor enhancer for all of those things that you would not be able to put bacon on, but want to have that great smokey flavor baconphiles love and crave. For instance, you can't put bacon on french fries, but you can put on bacon salt.

I call these guys geniuses because they have not stopped at just Bacon Salt. They also have a product called Baconnaisse. (These guys must sit around thinking about bacon the way the rest of us think about sports or women.) God bless them. Yes, this is a mayonnaise product that includes bacon flavoring. Unfortunately, I have not found this product yet, but my search continues. Some of you may be thinking this would not be good, but can you imagine having a cheeseburger and putting this on that burger instead of just plain mayonnaise? My guess is Baconnaise takes sandwiches and burgers to a whole new level.

See, I put these guys right up there with Ben & Jerry. A couple of guys trying to make the world a better place through bacon. I hope to meet them someday and thank them for their good work. You can check out all things bacon at Also, you should know that Bacon Salt comes in Original, Natural, Hickory and Peppered Flavor. All I have been able to find thus far is original, so I still have something to look forward to when I find the others.

I have to give Bacon Salt and the boys at Bacon Salt the ultimate endorsement of five Stiffy's. Good luck finding this product as I know you will enjoy it if you are a fan of bacon.

Eat, drink and be merry!



John said...

I see absolutely no reason why you can't put bacon on french fries.

I must find this bacon salt. It sounds like one of the greatest inventions in history.

If everybody in the world had bacon salt there would be no war.

Stiff Competition said...

I only said you can't put bacon on french fries as it will not stick to the fries. Now cheese fries are a whole different level.

Begs said...

This will certainly make a great stocking stuffer for bacon lovers come this holiday season.

Stiff Competition said...

Totally agree on the stocking stuff comment.