Monday, September 21, 2009

Bud Light

I woke up around 5:00 this morning and turned on the local news. While lying in bed and reading a magazine, I heard the news anchor discussing a major accident on I-95 just south of LPGA Blvd. I live in the LPGA, so this was interest to me since I was taking my daughter to school this morning. Her school is located north of LPGA, but you can still get jammed-up by all of the lookie-loos along the way. We got through the traffic in a timely manner and I was able to get her to school post haste.

Forward eight hours later and I see on the news that the tractor trailer that overturned was carrying a full load of Bud Light. Even more important is that it looked as if most of the load was unharmed. However, I have heard if a truck is involved with an accident of this nature, they destroy all of the beer on the truck at the time. Little did they know that I was right around the corner and would have been happy to have helped them clean up this mess.

Eat, drink and be merry!


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