Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It has been a while since I have been to Hooter's, but there has been a fire burning within me recently to get there and have some wings. For various reasons it hasn't happened until a few days ago after joining my brother for a Magic game in Orlando. My plan was to order the wings and take the home. Usually, I am not a big fan of the to go order, but I was tired and it was just wings, so I figured it couldn't be all that bad.

As I waited for my wings to come up, I noticed that Hooter's has stepped it up on their menu. They have added a number of different sandwiches and the wings come in a myriad of flavors now. I ordered hot garlic and a second order of extra hot. The plan was to eat the extra hot and then Julynn might eat some of the hot garlic wings. However, once I got home Julynn told me she had eaten and didn't want anything. Again, Julynn killing me on the wings.

To start, I tried one of the hot garlic wings and found it to be incredible. I was hooked immediately. The extra hot wings went straight into the refrigerator and I polished off the hot garlic. What made these wings great for me is that they were hot temperature wise and didn't get soggy on the way home from the restaurant. That is why I usually don't like to take food home to eat. It steams in the packaging and is just bad by the time you get home. Not the case here though.

Most of my friends are not fans of Hooter's, so that is why I don't get there very much, but I can see a return visit in the very near future.

For my post Magic game, solo Hooter's excursion I have to give them four Stiffy's.

Eat, drink and be merry!


1 comment:

Kraig said...

Gotta disagree. Usually way too expensive and I only eat the naked wings. Of course, thinking naked and Hooter's should cheer any man up....literally.